Not every family or civil dispute needs to find its way into the litigation stage. Fry & Elder attorney Melissa Fell is setting out to prove this to be the case. The experienced Tulsa family law attorney recently attended the mandatory 2-day Collaborative Law training for the International Academy of Collaborative Lawyers in Chicago Illinois. This training, along with her previous certification in Family and Divorce Mediation, now qualifies her to start practicing in this growing field of conflict resolution.
“I am very excited to bring this new family law practice area to Fry & Elder,” Fell said. “We now have the ability to offer our family law and other clients additional options when it comes to representing them in family and civil disputes. One of my greatest strengths is the ability to negotiate difficult disputes, often helping our clients find creative or “out of the box” solutions that they may not have thought of before. This utilizes the skill sets I have attained from my training as a Certified Mediator as well as those I have developed as a Certified Life Coach.”
Collaborative Law Defined
Collaborative Law allows the clients to resolve conflicts without having to go into the courtroom. It is designed to create an atmosphere of cooperation and teamwork. Each party is represented by a trained collaborative law attorney, and issues are addressed in meetings between the parties and lawyers along with a collaboratively trained therapist, child specialist (if there are children involved) and financial expert. The coaches act as neutrals on an as needed basis to guide and assist the parties in assembling and assimilating information to use throughout the problem-solving process.
“I found in my training, as I have in my litigation practice, that involving experts in their specific fields to create a team approach provides the best opportunity for an outcome that works for the parties, and the whole family unit,” Fell said.
Having mental health and financial coaches as a part of the process from the start neutralizes often strong emotions in ways that traditional litigation just cannot do. The coach is there to redirect the parties during meetings to focus on their needs and interests so that they may come to a resolution that they can agree to.
The Benefits of Collaborative Law
Collaborative Law is an ideal method for all types of cases, including those where the parties do not want their personal lives published in court documents online. More and more people are finding that their personal information is used for fishing, or by people snooping into their private life. With collaborative law, only the necessary documents are filed, and disputes between the parties and confidential information can be kept far more private than in traditional litigation. The parties own the process and are able to make agreements that work for them and their families at their own pace.
“It gives ownership of the whole process and the outcome to the parties,” Fell said. “I have spent a great deal of time getting to know some of the collaborative professionals in our area, and I am convinced that the professionals in this group are all as invested as I am to revolutionize the practice of law.”
Another important benefit is the potential for cost savings to the parties. By directly involving the coaches in the process from the beginning, issues are processed by the team members and the parties on a more timely basis than waiting for the court process and experts to be appointed, as well as the parties being able to share in the cost of the services that the experts provide.
The most important aspect of collaborative law is the impact that it has on the parties and their families and loved ones. By focusing the process on mutual cooperation to find agreements, participants are far less likely to involve their children or to feel the stress of the process when drawn out through combative litigation.
Contact Fry & Elder Tulsa or Fry & Elder Oklahoma City today to set up a consultation with Melissa Fell and find out more about how Collaborative Law can be the right choice for you at Fry & Elder.