The trial lawyers of Fry & Elder must not only be considered some of the most decorated in Oklahoma, they must also be considered some of the most published.
Oklahoma immigration law attorney Lorena Rivas is the latest attorney from the heralded firm to have her work published. Rivas penned the article “To Be, or Not to Be, a Doctor?” in this month’s edition of the Oklahoma Bar Journal – the official publication of the Oklahoma Bar Association.
Featured in the popular “The Back Page” section of the OBJ, Rivas’ article discusses the appropriateness of referring to an attorney as a doctor. While in the United States the notion of this title may seem a bit odd, lawyers are commonly referred to as doctors in Latin America.
As Rivas stated in the article:
“In many countries of Latin America, an attorney is commonly referred to as a doctor — a wise doctor who knows how to navigate the complex legal system and fully advocate for them.”
Known as a rising star in Oklahoma immigration law, Rivas provides context to what it is like being called a doctor through a personal experience with a Peruvian client when she first began practicing as an immigration law attorney.
“She was lost and in fear for her future,” Rivas wrote. “She begged me, ‘Doctora, por favor ayudame. Doctor, please help me.’”
Rivas ended up helping her client and has since been referred to as “doctora” by many other Latin American clients. She closed out the article saying:
“While I still wonder if I am worthy of being called a doctor, the client’s smile and sense of peace confirms that we, as attorneys, do have some type of healing powers, and there is no harm in being called such a name from time to time.”
Being Published Becoming More of the Norm at Fry & Elder
Rivas is just one of many Fry & Elder trial lawyers who have had legal articles published. Fellow Fry & Elder attorneys M. Shane Henry and Aaron D. Bundy penned the article “Show Them Yours” which appears in the current January issue of Tulsa Lawyer Magazine. Bundy and Henry also have wrote three other articles for the Tulsa Lawyer Magazine and another two for the Oklahoma Bar Journal in 2016.
Rivas’ “To Be, or Not to Be, a Doctor?” was the third piece she has had published in legal publications. Rivas also wrote an editorial that was featured in a 2016 June issue of the popular Tulsa Hispanic publication La Semana del Sur.
Experience the Fry & Elder Difference
Fry & Elder has not just established itself as one of the premier law firms in the state, but in the country. The U.S. News & World Report has named Fry & Elder to its Best Law Firms list each of the past four years. Individually, Robert G “Hap” Fry Jr. was named Lawyer of the Year for Family Law in Tulsa for 2016 by Best Lawyers® and he is one of just 19 attorneys in the state of Oklahoma to be named a Fellow of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers.
Henry, for his efforts, was named the 2016 Oklahoma Family Law Attorney of the Year by the Oklahoma Bar Association Family Law Section, while Aaron D. Bundy and T. Luke Barteaux, along with Fry and Henry also garnered Super Lawyers® accolades in the fall.
Rivas was recognized by the Tulsa Business & Legal News for its annual Women of Distinction Awards in 2016, while Kirsten Bernhardt was counsel in a recent high-profile murder trial. James R. Elder, Katie Egan and Melissa Fell round out a talented team of attorneys. Contact Fry & Elder today.
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