Oklahoma Family Lawyers, sitting from left to right, James R. Elder, Aaron D. Bundy, M. Shane Henry, Luke Barteaux and Robert G “Hap” Fry Jr.
As time marches on, more and more parents and experts are recognizing the value of shared parenting between divorced couples. The Tulsa family law firm of Fry & Elder is well aware of the rising trend that is joint child custody, which is why we are here to offer a few tips on how to have a successful joint custody relationship with your ex. Simply put: joint custody is something that can be very beneficial to all parties involved, but it also takes work, as any great Tulsa Divorce Lawyer will tell you.
Be realistic
While you might have the best intentions in mind, all too often a common problem during custody disputes is for one or both parents to ask for too much custodial time. This usually coincides with the fact that parents want to get as much time as possible with their child out of fear that there is a chance that they might be losing them. The truth of the matter is that quality always trumps quantity when it comes to spending time with your child. The last thing you want to do is overextend yourself so far that you don’t have the necessary energy that your child deserves.
Watch your tongue
It should go without saying that if you really are going to try and make joint custody work with your ex then you absolutely need to make it a priority not to talk badly about your ex. Be prepared for trouble and potential conflicts down the road should you choose to badmouth your ex in front of your child. Your child loves the other parent just like he or she loves you. With that in mind, it is best to keep any negative thoughts to yourself.
Cut your ex some slack
Even though your former spouse may have cheated on you, been emotionally distant or done something else undesirable, it is important for you to remember that they still have the best intentions for your and their child. While your marriage might not have worked out, there still is a good chance that your parenting arrangement can still succeed.
As with anything, there stands a chance that the joint child custody agreement might not work out. If you think this is the case, we encourage you to call the family law firm of Fry & Elder today to set up a personal consultation with an established and experienced Tulsa Divorce Lawyer and take the necessary first step to get your problems resolved.