There is no way to sugar coat it. Going through a divorce is a difficult and tough experience for most everyone that goes through one. There not only is emotional and financial stress involved throughout the process, social pressure and anxiety can also surface, particularly when you begin telling friends and family member about your divorce. With committed and experienced Tulsa divorce attorneys, the Tulsa family law firm of Fry & Elder is well versed on the stress that goes along with divorce and child custody issues, which is why we want to offer a few insightful tips on how to answer questions about your divorce.
Combat the temptation to gossip
There is no doubt that it is good to vent, particularly to close friends and family, but you would be wise to watch your tone around others. It absolutely is in your best interests to avoid talking trash about your ex or going too deep into the details of your divorce. People love to gossip, and these kinds of things can easily become the topic of conversation from within your social circle. Our advice to you is to be careful and to tread lightly.
You are entitled to privacy
Some of us out there are not too keen on sharing personal matters, even with relatives and close friends. While they may have the best intentions by asking you questions about your divorce, sometimes bringing up painful memories can keep one from moving on. If this is indeed the case, then you absolutely have the right to stay quiet. In fact, there is nothing wrong with proceeding in that manner. You choice of keeping the particulars of your divorce quiet and to yourself are something that others will have to learn to deal and something that you do not have to compromise on.
What do you say then?
If you do find yourself being bombarded with questions about your divorce, you may not want to go into specific details, but you also don’t want to come off or appear rude. You best bet to get through this is to come up with simple, vague but genuine response. This might mean saying something like: “It’s been difficult, but each day I’m getting better.” To shift the focus off you, you might want to then ask them a question about how things are going for them.
We know that divorce can be hard, but hopefully these tips will give you game plan on how to deal with things when it becomes a topic of conversations. Should you need any other advice on managing your divorce or child custody matters, contact family law firm of Fry & Elder today to set up a personal consultation with proven and experienced Tulsa divorce attorneys.